----- Original Message ----
> From: Mark Morgan <makk...@gmail.com>
> >> [1] Test::Class is my preferred testing package for work; I don't use
> >> it for stuff destined for CPAN due to adding an extra dependancy.
> >> *sigh*
> >
> > Your CPAN modules already depend on things like Moose and Hook::LexWrap and
> > XML::Parser.  Leaving out Test::Class at that point is, at best, Pyhrric.
> Yeah, probably true anymore.  I generally adopted this approach years
> back, when places that I worked at (at the time a number of ISPs)
> chances of installing any modules was inversely proportional to the
> number of dependancies it had...

I would check to see the likelihood of failure to install a given module and if 
that's a low % chance relative to the benefits you gain, I'd include it.  
Regrettably, Test::Class has a relatively high failure rate and thus I'd be 
less inclined to include it :(

That being said, I've been a rather naughty CPAN developer in that I've 
sometimes included modules in 'requires' which *I* think are really important 
or common, thus decreasing the chance that my module will be installed, but 
increasing the chance, if it's installed, that others who depend on it will 
install successfully. Hopefully that will also make programmers more likely to 
use it if it's already there.

Yeah, I know.  That's not really nice :)


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