On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Ovid <publiustemp-perl...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Mon, 5/4/10, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com>
>> Maybe I need something like this:
>> $mech->content_like(qr{regex}) or do {
>>     my $filename = 'some_filename';
>>     if (open my $fh, '>', $filename) {
>>         print $fh $mech->content;
>>         diag "File: $filename";
>>     }
>> };
>> and then parse the TAP output for 'File:' *after* a test
>> failure.
>> Is there a better way to do this?
> The problem, I think, is that everyone wants subtly different things from 
> tests outside of ok/not ok.  The question I'm wondering is what you mean by 
> "this" in "is there a better way to do this?".

hmm, looking at again I think I used 'this' to mean that I don't know
what needs to be improved.

> Are you wanting a better way of presenting the filename to test 
> authors/runners?  Are you wanting a better way to store the file contents?
> If it's the former, we need structured diagnostics in TAP to be formalised 
> and implemented.  If it's the latter, I would recommend writing your own 
> "output to file" function and then instead of using "Test::More" and your own 
> test utilities, bundle all of them with Test::Kit so you can just do this:
>  use My::Custom::Test::More tests => $test_count;
> The advantage here is that you have your own custom test behaviours nicely 
> controlled by one module and if you need to change them, you can do so in one 
> spot.

I certainly don't want to repeated the do { ... } part for every call
that needs saving and as a
second thought maybe it would be better and simpler to save the
content of the web page
every time, regardless of success or failure and then let the user
drill down if she wants but I'd
also prefer an already formalized way to communicate the filenames so
I don't need to invent
my own way.

> Or maybe you meant something else by "this" entirely :)

Yeah, possibly.

Maybe I also meant that I'd like a more general solution that would work for
other  Test::* modules as well and not only Test::WWW::Mechanize but I
am not sure
any more :-)

Maybe all that I need here is a call    save_data($var, 'title')
that would save the content of $var to a newly generated file and print
a diag("File: 'title' path/to/file"). The test runner would then collect the
files and zip them together with the TAP output. The tool that displays
them (e.g. Smolder) would then be able to add links to these files.
This save_data would work similarly to explain an recognize when $var is a
reference and call Dumper on it before saving.


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