On 2010.10.29 8:36 AM, Pedro Melo wrote:
> All the process got me thinking about Test::Builder. I spent a couple
> of hours tonight trying to see how would I output JUnit with TB2. I
> tried to write a Formatter::JUnit and was mostly successful, but I
> could not see how TB2 ties into the current TAP::Harness stack, that
> powers App::Prove.
> I don't know all the pieces that well yet, but seems to me that TB2
> has no need for formatters. Those should be at the Harness level. TB2
> scripts would generate a more robust stream of TAP events, and the
> TAP2::Harness would feed them into one or more formatters to produce
> the file format.
> Right now, I failed to see how would a Harness module would even setup
> a different format for the test scripts, given that the TB2 setup
> happens in a different process space, after a IPC::Open3 call in the
> TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process.
> I'm sure I'm missing something and there is a plan to glue the Harness
> with TB2 formatters. If some kind soul could take a little bit of time
> to point me in the right direction (maybe there is a TAP2 tree
> somewhere?), I could go and look and try to make use of my hacked
> TB2::Formatter::JUnit.

Hi Pedro,
Sorry, this message got lost along the way.  I'm glad you're interested in TB2
and want to put together a JUnit formatter for it.  Lots has changed since
October.  Fortunately it should be a fairly rote change from the old system of
to accepting events.  I'll be glad to help you fix it up for the new event
system and bring your formatter into the fold, but probably as an example
because of the XML::Generator dep.  Or you can release it as its own CPAN
module.  We definitely need a maintained JUnit formatter.

Also you've noticed that Test::Builder really only works with the TAP
formatter due to all the extra methods.  I'm working on tearing them apart.
Test::Builder does use Test::Builder2::Formatter almost completely as of alpha
2.  I still have to make diagnostics work.  And then Test::More will come along.

Now, to whether you're missing something, you're only missing it because it
isn't there.

TAP::Harness explicitly does not know anything about what it's executing
(beyond enough information to execute it).  It just expects TAP.  If you want
to use TB2 tests with a different format you don't use TAP::Harness. [1] Ta da!

What do you use?  Presumably you use whatever test runner wants the
differently formatted output.  Let that run your test programs directly.

This might seem like it's creating a redundant system of formatters... and in
some way it is.  But forcing (for example) a JUnit runner to instead run prove
which then takes test results, translates them into TAP and then translates
them into JUnit is awkward.  There's a lot of information JUnit can't handle
that TAP can, so information is lost in the translation.

Furthermore, TB1 was having difficulty adapting to TAP extensions.  Extensions
to TAP turn into pretty much different formatters, so internally it needed to
exist anyway.

Right now, making a TB2 test program use a different format is awkward.  You
have to do it per script.  There needs to be a way to control this outside the
script, perhaps an environment variable one can set to swap out formatters.  I
haven't been doing much convenience features, more focusing on just getting
the design solid and things working.  It is a SMOP to make your own test
programs respond to an environment variable if you need something now.

In the future, discussions about Test::Builder2 are more likely to be noticed
on test-more-us...@groups.google.com.

[1] Not entirely true.  You could, for example, use
Test::Builder2::Formatter::Multi and attach two formatters, one which outputs
TAP to stdout and another which writes JUnit to a file.  This is handy for
something like Hudson.

"I went to college, which is a lot like being in the Army, except when
 stupid people yell at me for stupid things, I can hit them."
    -- Jonathan Schwarz

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