On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 10:22:36PM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:

> App::ArchiveDevelCover (or the "frontend script" archive_devel_cover.pl) 
> will copy your most current coverage report into an archive and set up a 
> small index page, showing the most relevant (IMO) metrics and a "trend" 
> (did you cover more or less code since the last run?).
> The new version 1.001 also shows a rather simple diff-like comparison 
> between the current and previous run.

This is great!  I was just thinking about cpancover.com and that it
would be nice to have something like this to compare different runs.

> For a screenshot of the diff, see:
> http://domm.plix.at/perl/2012_06_01_app_archive_devel_cover_1_001.html

You mention here that to extend it further you should look into the
database.  Of course, you should have been doing that already :-)  There
is an API to get at the information, and I don't think it's too
complicated.  The docs are in Devel::Cover::DB and
Devel::Cover::Report::Text is probably the best example to crib from.
If you need anything that's not in the API then we'll extend it, but all
the reports go through the API so I think it's fairly complete.

> and for the initial announcement, see:
> http://domm.plix.at/perl/2012_02_21_app_archivedevelcover.html

You talk here about Devel::Cover's speed.  That's something I'm hoping
to get time to look at under this grant too.

Paul Johnson - p...@pjcj.net

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