Hi all,

This is Devel::Cover 0.88 and perl version 5.12.2

I have been searching like mad for the answer and can't figure it out.

I have been tasked with cleaning up some legacy code which is poorly written, 
but has an astonishingly large number of tests. Some of these tests run code in 
files like this:


I would very much like to include those in my coverage reports. In fact, I'd 
love to ensure that I can include *everything* (regardless of extension) in 
lib/, fcgi/, and utils/ and *nothing* in any other directories.

This is one of my many attempts:

 HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover=+inc,fcgi,+inc,lib,+inc,util prove -rl t


I've also tried created simple Build.PL or Makefile.PL scripts and keep getting 
"No tests defined" when I run things like 'cover -test' or './Build testcover'.

I see lots of people asking questions like this in various places on the Web. A 
cookbook of examples would be lovely :)

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