> I wasn't able to get forkprove to work with Test::Class, because of
Test::Class's insistence that tests be declared at compile time.
>    swartz> cat t/Sanity.t 
>    #!/usr/bin/perl
>    use CHI::t::Sanity;
>    CHI::t::Sanity->runtests;
>    swartz> forkprove t/Sanity.t 
>    t/Sanity.t .. Test::Class was loaded too late (after the CHECK block was 
> run). See 'A NOTE ON LOADING TEST CLASSES' in perldoc Test::Class for more 
> details
>    t/Sanity.t .. No subtests run 
> Mark, you mentioned before that you use Test::Class before - did you use it 
> in conjunction with forkprove?


It "just worked" for me, using the documented forkprove syntax of
loading modules with "-M".

I ran it on a directory that primarily contained test class files. Each
one followed this general design:


package Project::Test::Foo;
use parent 'Test::Class';

# my tests here...




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