
Just saw this message which I did not see in the testanything nor the
perl-qa lists. The testanything.org wiki is indeed not accessible. Maybe
someone can help.

Kind regards,

"Bruno P. Kinoshita" <brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br> writes:
> Hi all,
> For the last three weeks or so, testanything.org has been down. I
> tried pinging the tap mailing list, but got no response. Tried to
> contact Test::More maintainer to see if he knew someone with karma to
> update the web site but got no response so far.
> This is the last message I found in my inbox regarding TAP, so I
> apologize beforehand for bothering you all :-)
> Does anybody know where I can find one of the testanything.org
> administrators, please?
> Thank you in advance, and sorry for the trouble.
> All the best,
> Bruno P. Kinoshita
> http://kinoshita.eti.br
> http://tupilabs.com
>> From: Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
>>To: Christophe Strobbe <christophe.stro...@esat.kuleuven.be> 
>>Cc: t...@ietf.org; Shadi Abou-Zahra <sh...@w3.org> 
>>Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:25 PM
>>Subject: Re: [tap] W3C Evaluation and Report Language (EARL)
>>Christophe Strobbe <christophe.stro...@esat.kuleuven.be> writes:
>>> Report Language (EARL) and a few related specifications. EARL's core
>>> use case is reporting the results of accessibility evaluations of
>>> websites (i.e. accessibility for persons with disabilities), but the
>>> language itself is generic, so it can also be used in other
>>> contexts. The language is based on RDF;
>>> […]
>>> During our last call for comments, one of the reviewers asked the
>>> working group if EARL duplicates TAP's efforts, or vice versa. The
>>> working group thinks that this is not the case; we think that EARL
>>> could be an alternative report format for TAP if a TAP consumer could
>>> be written that produces EARL. For this reason, we thought it would be
>>> interesting to contact you and to make sure we are aware of each
>>> other's work.
>>Thanks for sync'ing this back to us. I just skimmed through the specs
>>and it was indeed interesting. As far as I understand from my (very
>>short) skimming I think it's not that many duplication of effort as the
>>main difference is a philosophical one.
>>- EARL is similar to other W3C specs in respect to specifying a
>>  comprehensive snapshot of known existing topics. For example, it
>>  particularly covers all known HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, …). That
>>  enables it to build tools on top of it that sematically “know” what
>>  the document is about.
>>- TAP in contrast is about specifying test results, really just the
>>  *result* focus without hard specification of the tested topic, i.e., a
>>  single test has a “description”, so someone reading it knows what it
>>  is about but that part does not have a specification. 
>>  For instance, a test about a HTTP method could have any description
>>  from “POST” to “that strange other method that I never remember but
>>  always use when GET is not sufficient”.
>>See [1] for some related discussion of this aspect.
>>In this respect I think TAP is more like your RDF with some extensions
>>from EARL to describe test success.
>>That makes the use-cases of TAP and EARL a bit different: 
>>- TAP allows to be produced by anything simple without toolchain
>>  support, like embedded devices with nothing but a “print” function,
>>  but you can not *sematically* evaluate results.
>>- EARL seems to require more heavy toolchain support to produce but
>>  allows more semantic result evaluation.
>>Converting TAP to EARL is difficult. 
>>Converting EARL to TAP is easy.
>>On the evaluation of TAP I can point to TAP::DOM and Data::DPath, which
>>provide a more structured approach to evaluate test results, see my “TAP
>>Juggling” slides[2], page 30ff.
>>Kind regards,
>>Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>
>>Dresden Perl Mongers <http://dresden-pm.org/>
>>tap mailing list

Steffen Schwigon <s...@renormalist.net>

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