I've just updated the wiki with the achievements around the projects I
was associated with.  I'll paste them below.

In addition I fleshed out the Lancaster Consensus conclusions according
to my photographs of the white board and my own recollections because it
was looking a bit sparse.  Apologies if I got anything wrong, please
correct and fill in.  And Wendy, please consider your own notes canonical.

Test::Builder 1.5

A small team worked through the roughly 100 of 700 Test-* distributions
failing with Test::Builder 1.5 alpha but passing with the current 0.98

    Verify it's failing with 1.5 and passing with 0.98
    Verify it's because of a Test::Builder 1.5 change
    Categorize the failure type
    Patch either Test::Builder or the module as appropriate
    If the module runtime had to be patched, note it as a conflict.

We did the work primarily on an EtherPad and in the Test-More Github
issue tracker by a small team of remote and local developers.

    Karen Ethridge (ether)
    James Mastros (theorbtwo)
    Colin Newell
    Daniel Perrett (pdl)
    Michael G Schwern (schwern)

Nearly all the modules got looked at, and a number patched.

Other accomplishments by the team...

    Determined that rolling back the TAP formatting changes in 1.5 will
not significantly help
    Fixed Test::More stable and 1.5 alpha for 5.17.
    Released 0.98_04 and 1.5.0_6
    Improved the script for testing CPAN modules with stable vs alpha.
    Fixed the 1.5 alpha under taint mode
    Fixed the 1.5 alpha on Windows
    Misc documentation updates
    Got a new release of Test::Class working with 1.5

ExtUtils::MakeMaker stable release

Chris Williams (BingOS) stepped up to manage the next stable release of
ExtUtils::MakeMaker to be in time for Perl 5.18.0 and released several
alphas. They will be very well tested. :)

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