On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <
philippe.bru...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> As the main organizer of the next Perl QA Hackathon in Lyon (the venue
> is here: http://goo.gl/maps/mXo15), I would like to collect some feedback
> on the hackathon that we just came back from, in Lancaster.
> I would like to collect your impressions about what worked and what
> didn't, what was missing, what you want for next year (including dates,
> but know it's going to be a Friday-Sunday hackathon). You can reply in
> public or in private. I already wrote down all the things I liked from
> this year, as the team has set the bar quite high already. :-)
> The goal is to add a bunch of bullet points to our work document, so that
> we can start early on making the next QA hackathon even more productive
> and useful.
> Thanks in advance,
> Post-scriptum: The main communication channels about the Lyon Perl QA
> Hackathon will be the perl-qa mailing list and the #perl-qa IRC channel.
> I don't intend to spam them too much until we get closer to the event. :-)
I agree with most of the things Salve and Schwern already said. Two
comments though:

1) Make sure to involve the perl 6 people (this might involve some
harassing), this year Liz was the only one. They're doing somewhat similar
things in a vacuum, it would be helpful for them to not repeat some of our
2) Have some kind of post-dinner plan. It seems people ended up in
different pubs without knowing where the rest was. This decreases chances
for useful evening-time discussion. Something as simple as a designated pub
for the evening could be helpful.


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