On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 09:19:50AM +0100, Philippe Bruhat (BooK) wrote:
> Because the number of seats is limited to 30, and the past two hackathons
> have had 40 or more people, I'm working on a process to get hold on
> the most relevant people to the hackathon, while leaving some seats for
> everyone interested. More on that later.

The process is the following:
- 10 seats reserved for "core" attendees
- 10 seats reserved for "key" attendees
- 10 seats open on a first come, first served basis

It doesn't need saying, but I'll say it anyway: this splitting of people
into groups has nothing to do with "worth" or grading people.

We have a limited number of seats, and want this hackathon to be a success
for the Perl community. We're trying to pick the most relevant people for
the task, using an imperfect selection process to get the most relevant
people for the hackathon here.

The "core" list has been made from people who attended at least 4 of the
past 6 Perl QA hackathons, plus or minus a few people. The reasoning is
that if you attend, you get to shape future attendance.

The "key" list will be made from the people that those from the "core"
list want to work with during this hackathon. Again, this is not a
popularity contest, just pragmatism towards fulfilling the hackathon

I've emailed the first group, asking them if they will be available at
the hackathon dates, and who they'd like to work with. I expect to send
the second batch of invitations in a few weeks at the latest.


 Philippe Bruhat (BooK)

 Few things in life are so dependable as the incompetence of those who know
 precisely what they are doing.   (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #5 (Pacific))

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