I tried to explore the boundary cases and error conditions now thoroughly.
A new feature is customizable error handling.  Note also the


=head1 NAME

Encode - character encodings



=item *

I<byte>: a B<number> in the range 0..255

=item *

I<char>: a B<character> in the range 0..maxint (at least 2**32-1)


The marker [INTERNAL] marks Internal Implementation Details, in
general meant only for those who think they know what they are doing,
and such details may change in future releases.

=head2 bytes

=over 4

=item *

        bytes_to_utf8(STRING [, CHECK])

The bytes in STRING are encoded in-place into UTF-8.  The bytes are
assumed to be encoded in US-ASCII, bytes between 0 and 127, inclusive.
Returns the new size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a failure.

If there are characters > 127?  See L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

If you want to recode some eight-bit legacy encoding to UTF-8, you
must use C<from_to(STRING, ..., 'utf8')>.

[INTERNAL] Also the UTF-8 flag of STRING is turned on.

=item *

        utf8_to_bytes(STRING [, CHECK])

The UTF-8 in STRING is decoded in-place into bytes.  Returns the new
size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a failure.

If the UTF-8 in STRING is malformed?  See L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

[INTERNAL] The UTF-8 flag of STRING is not checked.


=head2 chars

=over 4

=item *


The chars in STRING are encoded in-place into UTF-8.  Returns the new
size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a failure.

No assumptions are made on the encoding of the chars.  If you want to
assume that the chars are Unicode and to trap illegal Unicode
characters, you must use C<from_to('Unicode', ...)>.

[INTERNAL] Also the UTF-8 flag of STRING is turned on.

=over 4

=item *


The UTF-8 in STRING is decoded in-place into chars.  Returns the new
size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a failure. 

If the UTF-8 in STRING is malformed C<undef> is returned, and also an
optional lexical warning (category utf8) is given.

[INTERNAL] The UTF-8 flag of STRING is not checked.

=item *

        utf8_to_chars_check(STRING [, CHECK])

(Note that this interface is exceptionally named since a two-argument
utf8_to_chars() has different semantics.)

The UTF-8 in STRING is decoded in-place into chars.  Returns the new
size of STRING, or C<undef> if there is a failure.

If the UTF-8 in STRING is malformed?  See L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

[INTERNAL] The UTF-8 flag of STRING is not checked.


=head2 chars With Encoding

=over 4

=item *

        chars_to_utf8(STRING, ENCODING[, CHECK])

The chars in STRING encoded in ENCODING are recoded in-place into
UTF-8.  Returns the new size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a failure.

No assumptions are made on the encoding of the chars.  If you want to
assume that the chars are Unicode and to trap illegal Unicode
characters, you must use C<from_to('Unicode', ...)>.

[INTERNAL] Also the UTF-8 flag of STRING is turned on.

=item *

        utf8_to_chars(STRING, ENCODING [, CHECK])

The UTF-8 in STRING is decoded in-place into chars encoded in
ENCODING.  Returns the new size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a

If the UTF-8 in STRING is malformed?  See L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

[INTERNAL] The UTF-8 flag of STRING is not checked.

=item *


The chars in STRING encoded in FROM_ENCODING are recoded in-place into
TO_ENCODING.  Returns the new size of STRING, or C<undef> if there's a

If mapping between the encodings is impossible?
See L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

[INTERNAL] If TO_ENCODING is UTF-8, also the UTF-8 flag of STRING is
turned on.


=head2 Testing For UTF-8

=over 4

=item *

        is_utf8(STRING [, CHECK])

[INTERNAL] Test whether the UTF-8 flag is turned on in the STRING.
If CHECK is true, also checks the data in STRING for being
well-formed UTF-8.  Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


=head2 Toggling UTF-8-ness

=over 4

=item *


[INTERNAL] Turn on the UTF-8 flag in STRING.  The data in STRING is
B<not> checked for being well-formed UTF-8.  Do not use unless you
B<know> that the STRING is well-formed UTF-8.  Returns the previous
state of the UTF-8 flag (so please don't test the return value as
I<not> success or failure).

=item *


[INTERNAL] Turn off the UTF-8 flag in STRING.  Do not use frivolously.
Returns the previous state of the UTF-8 flag (so please don't test the
return value as I<not> success or failure).


=head2 UTF-16 and UTF-32 Encodings

=over 4

=item *

        utf_to_utf(STRING, FROM, TO [, CHECK])

The data in STRING is converted from Unicode Transfer Encoding FROM to
Unicode Transfer Encoding TO.  Both FROM and TO may be any of the
following tags (case-insensitive, with or without 'utf' or 'utf-' prefix):

        tag             meaning

        '7'             UTF-7
        '8'             UTF-8
        '16be'          UTF-16 big-endian
        '16le'          UTF-16 little-endian
        '16ne'          UTF-16 native-endian
        '32be'          UTF-32 big-endian
        '32le'          UTF-32 little-endian
        '32ne'          UTF-32 native-endian

UTF-16 is also known as UCS-2, 16 bit or 2-byte chunks, and UTF-32 as
UCS-4, 32-bit or 4-byte chunks.  Returns the new size of STRING, or
C<undef> is there's a failure.

If FROM is UTF-8 and the UTF-8 in STRING is malformed?  See
L</"Handling Malformed Data">.

[INTERNAL] Even if CHECK is true and FROM is UTF-8, the UTF-8 flag of
STRING is not checked.  If TO is UTF-8, also the UTF-8 flag of STRING is
turned on.  Identical FROM and TO are fine.


=head2 Handling Malformed Data

If CHECK is not set, C<undef> is returned, and also an optional lexical
warning (category utf8) is given.  If CHECK is true but not a code
reference, dies.  If CHECK is a code reference, it is called with the


Two return values are expected from the call: the string to be used in
the result string in place of the malformed section, and the length of
the malformed section in bytes.


$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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