Hello, Dan! Hello, Autrijus!

I'm sorry that you have just proposed patches to the Supported.pod
and mine are coming just in the line.. I'm afraid it will be
necessary to patch to copies and merge manually.. :-(
If my changes are accepted, of course ;-)

Thank you, Dan! Thank you, Autrijus!

As I have already written I'm very grateful for seeing my name in
the docs :-))

What benefits except making your name a bit more
known (and for satisfaction from a hopefully well-done job :-)
does work on open source projects bring? Thanks again!

Now - to the business! I guess at the same time Autrijus was spell
checking my vague writings I was patching them myself too!

I ask you to be a little bit of my editors on this:

- was it a good idea to introduce the (*) into this section
  repeating the already mentioned things about several
  encodings being available only via Encode::HanExtra?

  My motivation was the "principle of least surprise", I imagined
  someone reading this section and trying it out. So it was
  to stop "him" from being surprised. Is that okay?

- was the request for massive feedback a good idea?
  At least I would very much like to receive it.
  What address shall we put there should you agree to include it?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Some of my personal addresses (I want
  feedback exactly on "my" section) If my, what do you advise
  my for-life address, or for-year address? (Yes, all the
  span welcome :-)

- What has really happened to
   ISO-2022       (I guess this was just a joke in Encode.pm? :-)
   CNS 11643
  the latter two do not look like a joke.
  It's okay if we do not have them. I will just wipe them out,
  I want only to document on the supported encodings.

And as usually feel free to correct anything :-)

Best regards, Anton

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