Title: Message
I'm having some problems with XML/UTF8 and CGI variables in perl5.6.1
I have attached an example of the problem, an example string is Descripción - although you will need to have XML::Simple installed.
The example takes an input string and then prints it twice - one with concatenation another just displaying the inputted string. The mangling occurs when you concatenate an XML string with a CGI string.
I'm not sure why this happens but here is a first attempt at a possible theory. All XML parsing is done in UTF8, but perl has no idea of encodings for incomding CGI streams and assumes them to be iso-88591 (latin1) - I read this somewhere don't know if its correct. String operations upgrade none UTF8 strings to UTF8, so perl tries to convert the CGI string from iso-88591 to UTF8 thus mangling it as its already UTF8.
Can any point me in the right direction, explain where I'm going wrong and maybe provide some usefull links - there seems to be very little information on building internationalised web pages with UTF8 and perl5.6.1.

Attachment: testUTF8.pl
Description: Binary data

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