
I used with great satisfaction this one-liner for random signature,

set signature="perl -an0777F'\n\s*\n' -e 'print \$F[rand(@F)],
\"\ngee\n\"' ~/pers_doc/massime|"

All on one line, of course. The ~/pers_doc/massime text file contains
assorted quotes, often spanning more than one line. The quote
separator is an empty line (\n\s*\n above)
Now, used with Mutt 1.4, Perl 5.8 inside RH 8.0, it only prints one word of
a random sentence (see below, I added the "gee" string just to see 
where it would be printed). From an xterm the one liner works
perfectly, i.e. prints whole multi-line signatures as before (removing
the backslashes before $F and the \n double quotes, of course). From
Mutt (launched as "xterm -e mutt" from the WM menu) it doesn't work.

This is the original quote in the "massime" file from which the word
"ratify", at the bottom of this message, came from:

All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system,
there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless,
that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to
                                                Noam Chomsky

It is splitting it in words, not in lines anymore, isn't it? Why?

What should I fix, and where should I look? It is known that Perl 5.8
and the Unicode system-wide settings don't really like each other yet,
but this is probably also due to the environment in which mutt
launches that script, right? Either way, any suggestion is

                Marco Fioretti

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