On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 15:50:48 at 03:50:48PM -0500, David Graff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > 1) (non UNICODE question, I think) to make the script start with the
> > Perl mentioned above, I had to replace "concat" with "open" in line
> > 1251: what is concat? I *never* found it in my Perl manuals. Is "open"
> > equivalent?
> Odd, when I downloaded this same script just now, there was no "concat" 
> to be found anywhere in it.  Line 1251 was:

The author said more or less "I know what happened, try to download it
with wget, not your normal browser (Mozilla)" I did that, and, sure
enough, open was there, not concat....

> > 2) (Unicode question) The script gives tons of warning like these:
> >
> > Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) at ./
> > mb2md-3.10.pl line 1343, <MBOX> line 3009.
> >
> > Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x20,
> > immediately after start byte 0xc8) in pattern match (m//) at ./
> > mb2md-3.10.pl line 999, <MBOX> line  9706. 
> In the meantime, you could try altering your copy of mb2md to add this
> line (e.g. next to "use strict;"):
>    no utf8;
I had time to try it only now: same behavior as before. If nobody has
other suggestions here, I'll post your message to the author, and wait
for him to fix :-(

Of course, thanks a lot for your time: any further feedback/test
request is welcome. If anybody is interested, I can even send a test
mailbox of mine, to reproduce the problem.

                Marco Fioretti
Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

Preserve the old, but know the new.

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