On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:02:28 +0900
Dan Kogai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SADAHIRO-san and cp9?? experts,
> On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003, at 00:44 Asia/Tokyo, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki wrote:
> > +<U20AC> \x80     |0 # EURO SIGN
> Is this right?  Yes, U20AC is indeed missing from cp936.ucm but see 
> this;

> So far as I check the Microsoft's pages
> http://www.microsoft.com/typography/unicode/cscp.htm ->
> http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/wincp.mspx ->
> http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/dbcs/936.htm
> it indeed does use \x80 (though only \x00-\xFF are covered;  Where the 
> heck is the FULL MAP!?).  But it seem this only applies to 936.  932 
> (Japanese; Shift_JIS based), 949 (Korean; euc-kr based) and 950 
> (Traditional Chinese; Big5-based) all leave \x80 blank.
> I would like more confirmation from experts;  cp936.ucm has been 
> overhauled with a help of MORIYAMA san and back then and at that time 
> FULL map was available from the URIs above.  And I think \x80 was not 
> used for EURO SIGN back then.

I'm not any expert, but at least, I can tell you
that you can get the official full maps
by clicking a gray box (like [81], [81], ..., [FE]) 
in http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/dbcs/936.htm

or http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/dbcs/936/936_81.htm

This table does not include any UDC mappings
as well as the table provided on unicode.org.
I don't know why Microsoft has ceased to provides UDC mapping.


> Oh, I still have a copy of full mapping that was one available via URI 
> above.  Let's see...
> cp936.txt says...
> > CODEPAGE 936            ; PRC GBK (XGB) - ANSI, OEM
> >
> > CPINFO 2 0x3f 0x003f    ; DBCS CP, Default Char = Question Mark
> >
> > MBTABLE 130
> >
> > 0x00    0x0000  ;Null
> > [snip]
> > 0x20    0x0020  ;Space
> > [snip]
> > 0x7f    0x007f  ;^?
> > 0x80    0x0080  ;<80>
> > 0xff    0xf8f5  ;<FF>
> \x80 is mentioned but not mapped to EURO SIGN.
> Please somebody tell me where to find the FULL map.
> Dan the Encode Maintainer with Too Many (Dead) Links to Follow

IBM's ICU provides another table, which includes UDC mappings
and Unicode-to-CodePage fallbacks (i.e. denoted by |1).


EURO SIGN is assigned between Unicode version 2.0 and 2.1.
cf. Unicode 2.1, UTR #8, http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr8/

Your table should be an older one than Unicode 2.0.


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