I am using windows XP and Perl5.8.1

--- John Delacour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12:01 pm -0800 21/11/03, Neelima Bandla wrote:
> >  yes I got the same thing as well.
> >
> >  徉房徉房
> That's not what I got, but the Kanji.  You may have
> seen that in my 
> email because your mailer (especially if you are
> using Web mail) 
> cannot interpret and display UTF-8.  That's why I
> stressed at the 
> beginning of the message that the charset in the
> headers was UTF-8. 
> In other words the resulting file name here was four
> Kanji.
> If I had time, I'd try what your doing on Windows
> but I only have NT4 
> and I'm not sure how it copes with Unicode file
> names.
> >  my $utf8_str1 =  pack("U*", @array);
> >  my $utf16_str1 = encode("UTF-16" , $utf8_str1);
> >  open(FD, ">$filepath\$utf16_str1") or die("$!");
> >  close FD;
> >
> >  Now this is what I have done,since windows
> encoding is
> >  in UTF-16, I used the encode function to convert
> into
> >  UTF-16, Now it is refusing to create the file
> with
> >  invalid argument
> Here again I'm not sure what is required and whether
> you need to 
> start with the Byte Order Mark U+FEFF or U+FFEE. 
> Someone who uses 
> Windows 2000+ will need to advise you here.  You did
> not mention what 
> system you're using or what version of Perl.
> If I run this script, which I find a more convenient
> way of doing the 
> same thing if you're starting with raw hex codes, I
> get the string as 
> UTF-16 with the BOM U+FEFF and that's fine in my
> envornment:
> use strict ;
> use Encode ;
> my ($l, $r, $text) = ( "\\x{",  "}") ;
> my @x = qw(
> 5f89 623f 5f89 20 623f
> );
> for (@x) {
>       $text .= "$l$_$r"
> }
> my $UTF8 =  eval qq~"$text"~ ;
> my $UTF16 = encode("UTF-16" , $UTF8) ;
> print $UTF16
> On the other hand, if you're starting with raw hex
> codes you don't 
> need to use Encode at all, just print the BOM
> followed by the two 
> bytes separately.  If you run these two scripts
> together you will get 
> your four Kanji printed twice, but the second method
> is far simpler 
> and does not need the Encode library; it is
> therefore also faster. 
> As to how your operating system deals with the data,
> I'm not 
> qualified to comment but I'm sure the majority of
> people on the list 
> are.
> What's wrong seems not to be your output but the
> interaction between 
> that output and the environment you're working in.
> use strict ;
> use Encode ;
> #### LONG METHOD ####
> my ($l, $r, $text) = ( "\\x{",  "}") ;
> my @x = qw(
> 5f89 623f 5f89 20 623f
> );
> for (@x) {$text .= "$l$_$r"}
> my $UTF8 =  eval qq~"$text"~ ;
> my $UTF16 = encode("UTF-16" , $UTF8) ;
> print $UTF16 . "$/$/" ;
> my ($l, $r, $text) = ( "\\x{",  "}") ;
> my @x = qw(
> FE FF 5f 89 62 3f 5f 89 20 62 3f
> );
> for (@x) {$text .= "$l$_$r"}
> print eval qq~"$text"~ . "$/$/"
> JD

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