A module is using DBI to access a Microsoft®-Jet
  data base engine.

"dbi:ADO:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=${path};"

  As far as I know, the data base engine stores text using UTF-8.
  Moreover, I have the habit of using utf-8 within my perl
  scripts, i.e., I encode my perl scripts with utf-8 and I
  read and write utf-8 files.

  Now it seems as if the texts I get from DBI were encoded
  with ISO-8859-1. Could it be possible that DBI is converting
  the UTF-8 obtained from the data base to ISO-8859-1?
  Possibly it considers ISO-8859-1 to be the "default client
  charset"? I would prefer to get to utf-8 from my data base.

    How can I get the utf-8 text stored in the data base?

  I already have tried to find some information about this,
  but to no avail. Looking for "UTF-8" in the DBI-manpage does
  not help and also regarding "DBI:Ado" I can not find a

  Of course, I could convert ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8, but only
  for characters that can be represented with ISO-8859-1.

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