On Wed Apr 14, 2004 Shailesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm getting this warning when using the Encode package, right off the
> bat.  This is Perl 5.8.3 on RedHat i386.  Is there a patch?  How can I
> disable the warning?

> $ perl -W -e 'use Encode;'
> False [] range "\s-" in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\bkoi8[\s- <--
> HERE _]*([ru])$/ at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/Encode/Alias.pm line 196.

> $ perl -v
> This is perl, v5.8.3 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
> ...

> $ set
> (no locale, lc_lang, etc. are set)

> $ perl -W -e 'use Encode::Alias;'
> (same warning as above)

> I found only thread regarding this in the comp.lang.perl.tk ng:

> http://groups.google.com/groups?th=c98d01ae005f9edd&rnum=1

This was introduced by Change 20432 (Aug 1, 2003):
        http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg07485.html

Below is a patch.  However, i suspect that perhaps line 196 should be:
        define_alias( qr/\bkoi8[-_ ]?([ru])$/i => '"koi8-$1"' );
Daniel Lewart
--- lib/Encode/Alias.pm.orig    Tue May 25 11:27:25 2004
+++ lib/Encode/Alias.pm Tue Jun  1 00:00:00 2004
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
     # Standardize on the dashed versions.
     # define_alias( qr/\butf8$/i  => '"utf-8"' );
-    define_alias( qr/\bkoi8[\s-_]*([ru])$/i => '"koi8-$1"' );
+    define_alias( qr/\bkoi8[-_\s]*([ru])$/i => '"koi8-$1"' );
     unless ($Encode::ON_EBCDIC){
         # for Encode::CN

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