On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:

> >Alright, I failed to say that this is an XS module, so I convert with
> >WideCharToMultiByte, a Windows routine(*), put the result in an SV, and
> >then say SvUTF8_on.
> The possible danger here is if the "multi byte" encoding for
> user's environment is not UTF-8 but (say) a Japanese one.

  Almost always(99.999% of time. unless SetACP() or sth. is used to
change it), the default system code page is not UTF-8
on Windows (Windows-1252 on Western European Windows, Windows-1251
on Russian, Windows-932/936/949/950 on East Asian windows, etc).
However, you can specify the code page for 'multibyte' encoding
to use when invoking WideCharToMultiByte (i.e. WideCharToMultiByte is
different from wcstombs() on a POSIX system). See



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