Bjoern Hoehrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>* Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>>  Enocde 2.08, PerlIO::scalar 0.02, ActivePerl 5.8.2, 
>>  #!perl -w
>>  use strict;
>>  use warnings;
>>  use Encode;
>>  my $string = encode(UTF16 => "");
>>  for (qw/UTF-8 UTF-16LE UTF-16BE UTF-32LE UTF-32BE/)
>>  {
>>    my $backup = $string;
>>    open F, "<:encoding($_)", \$backup;
>>    my $char;
>>    read F, $char, 1, 0;
>>    close F;
>>    die unless $backup eq $string;
>>  }

There are no "readonly scalars" there.

>>  utf8 "\xFE" does not map to Unicode at ... line 13.
>>  utf8 "\xFF" does not map to Unicode at ... line 13.
>>  Unicode character 0xfffe is illegal at ... line 13.
>>  Died at ... line 16.
>Perl ActivePerl 5.8.4 and the same PerlIO::scalar/Encode the result is
>  utf8 "\xFE" does not map to Unicode at line 13.
>  Unicode character 0xfffe is illegal at line 13.
>  Died at line 16.
>Which is still not what I would expect...

It seems UTF-16LE encoding does not work right with PerlIO::scalar
It is not clear which is at fault.

Personally, I would be more motivated to fix whichever is at fault 
if you explain why you are trying to read one character from 
a stream with no characters in it (except a BOM).

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