
I have just released Encode-2.09, AKA GAAS special. Gisle, thank you for all the reports and patches. Wish they were done before 5.8.6 :)

=head1 Availability

or CPAN near you

=head1 Changes

$Revision: 2.9 $ $Date: 2004/12/03 19:16:53 $
! Encode.pm Encode.xs
  Addressed " :encoding(utf8) broken in perl-5.8.6".
  Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
! Encode.pm
  Addressed "(de|en)code($valid_encoding, undef) does not warn".
! Encode.pm t/Encode.t
  Addressed "Can't encode URI".  When a reference is fed to (en|de)code,
  Encode now stringifies instead of returning undef.
! Encode.xs t/fallback.t
  Addressed "FB_HTMLCREF and FB_XMLCREF for the UTF-8 decoder".
! Encode.pm
  Addressed "s/digit/number/".
! Encode.pm
  Addressed "while (defined(read )) { ... } is an infinite loop".
! Encode.pm
  Addressed "What the heck is UCM?".
  Document fixed so that it no longer contains "UCM-Based Encodings".

=head1 NOTE

I am in the middle of moving out and I will not settle till Dec. 10th or so. So please be patient if you ever RT'd or mailed me on Encode.

=head1 Murphy's Law of Patches

* Patches come after the RC period is over.
* Patches come when you are hauling.

=head1 Signature

Dan the Encode Maintainer

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