Hi, I'm not sure if this is the correct group to post this question to. If there is a better forum for this kind of question, please let me know.
I am trying to slurp a file that was written on Mac OSX, using a standard text editor. I am developing on a windows machine, and running my scripts on a Linux box. I get the same problem on both machines. If I set the local($\ = "\r") I can get a line by line read of the file. However, if I set the local($\=undef) or local($\="") The script will only read in the first line of the file, and then quit. I got a read of the byte code in java, and the endline character is indeed "\r". My question is, why can't I slurp in the entire file? Below is a sample of my code: #!/usr/local/bin/perl use warnings; my $file = "pathnameofmyfile"; open( MYFILE, "$file" ) or die "Can't open $file for reading: $!\n"; readfile(); close(MYFILE); sub readfile(){ local($/) = "\r"; while ( my $line = <MYFILE> ){ print "line is $line\n"; } } Renee Halbrook Bioinformatics Programmer The Carnegie Institution of Washington Department of Plant Biology 260 Panama Street Stanford, CA 94305