On Jun 15, 2010, at 11:24 PM, Daisuke Maki wrote:

> I remember XML::LibXML doing funky things with the utf8 flag -- but in
> your case,
> is it possible to try using a proper XML declaration?
> i.e.:
>    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><p>Tomas ....</p>

No, I'm pulling the example I posted out of the CDATA of an RSS description 
field, and then passing that along XML::LibXML. So there's no encoding 

> This seems to produce the correct output for me (perl 5.12.1, LibXML 1.70)

Good to know, thanks. I'm wondering now how I'm going to get at the encoding 
from Feed::Data in order to pass that along to XML::LibXML when parsing encoded 
feed content.

Thanks again for the help, folks.



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