Dan Muey schrieb am 28.10.2010 um 14:54 (-0500):

> Am I correct in thinking that the only way to get ord() to return a
> value over 256 is to send the character as a Unicode string instead of
> a byte string?


> In other words, is there any character that will make ord() return
> over  256 when passed in as a byte string?

If you pass a character as a byte string, then it's a byte string of 8
bits per byte, and the maximum for a byte is 255.

> For example, note the differences in output between a unicode string
> and a byte string regarding character 257, as a unicode string it is
> 257, as a byte string it is 196.


  perl -Mutf8 -lwe 'print ord "Я"'  # 1071
  perl        -lwe 'print ord "Я"'  #  208

> The reason this is relevant is that on a given project I am using
> byte-strings-only for consistency and some encoders (i.e.
> Scalar::Quote::Q() )will change from
> bytes-string-friendly-grapheme-cluster notation (e.g. \xE3\x8A\xB7)
> to unicode-string-notation (e.g. \x{32B7}) and I want to be sure I
> always use data that gets me  the former rather than the latter :)

Well, if you don't need character operations, it might work for you.
Make sure to track whether or not your data is already encoded, and also
to use the correct encoding.

Michael Ludwig

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