"Jan Dubois" (j...@activestate.com) writes:
> You need to stack the I/O layers in the right order.  The :encoding()
> layer needs to come last (be at the bottom of the stack), *after* the
> :crlf layer adds the additional carriage returns.  The way to pop the
> default :crlf layer is to start out with the :raw pseudo-layer: 
>   open(my $fh, ">:raw:encoding(UTF-16LE):crlf", $filename) or die $!;

Certainly not anywhere close to intuitive. And the explanation is even more 
muddy. "Needs to come last" - it is smack in the middle. "after the :crlf
layer" - it comes before.

One can sense some potential for improvements. Not the least in the 
documentation area.

Erland Sommarskog, Stockholm, esq...@sommarskog.se

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