Dear Karl,

> >> I'm afraid that when it comes to normalization in Perl5, you have to
> >> do it yourself.  I hear that Perl6 is much friendlier in this regard,
> >> but I have no personal experience with it.  Your $unistring is in
> >> whatever normalization you made it when you typed it into your editor,
> >> or whatever your editor did with it as you were typing.  You could
> >> have typed it in NFD, but probably the most natural way to enter
> >> things on your keyboard will underlying it all be NFC.  
> >
> > That's what I finally find out in another post, normally all my inputs
> > are NFD but my tests used static string to match, I declared them with
> > NFD to make it explicit.
> >
> > I added a note in my POD to signal that the sub returns NFD strings.  

Could you use a source filter (man perlfilter)? That would run your script 
through an NFD converter before executing it.


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