in first time sorry for my terrible english! :(

In one script I have:

print "break point GO\n";
print "break point END\n";
exit 0;

sub selectAndUpdate
        my ($Sql,$Update)=@_;
        print "break point 1\n";
        $recordFinale=MANY ACTIONS.....
        print "$recordFinale\n";
        print "break point 2\n";
        return $recordFinale;

ok. if I run the script the output is:
break point 1
break point 2
break point 1
break point 2
break point GO
break point 1
break point 2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

didn't appear the "break point END".

the script run under linux RedHat6.0 with perl 5.005_03, I use IBPerl-0.8p3
for connecting with InterBase 5.1.1

any idea?


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