> "Ricardo Cumberbatch L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>at 02/15/2001 08:24 AM
>Hi every one I had to do a perl script but a need to know how in perl you
>do to read the last line in a file, I no to read in a file but how to
>every time a need the last line in a file.
Probably the best methods for handling possibly large files would be...
my $line;
open(FH, "file.txt") or die $!;
$line = $_ while <FH>;
close FH;
print $line;
# or on Unix..
my $line = `tail -n 1 file.txt`;
Grant Hopwood.
Valero Energy Corp.
PGP Public Key: Ldap://certserver.pgp.com
-= Fail"ure: 'fA(&)l-y&r, noun, When your best just isn't good enough. =-
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