you could slurp the whoel file into one string and
then search that.

my $text;

        local( $/ ) ; # Makes the entire file contents
be read in one go, by changing what perl recognises as
the line break char..... see docs..
        open (NEWFILE,"<$file") or die "Cannot open
file '$file'";


        close (NEWFILE);

if ($text =~/$match/g)




 --- "Friedel.Wittrock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> try this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> print "Enter the Input file name.: "; $file    =
> <STDIN>;
> print "Enter String to search....: "; $str     =
> <STDIN>;
> print "Enter the Output file name: "; $outfile =
> <STDIN>;
> chomp($outfile); chomp($str); chomp($file);
> die "can't open $outfile\n" unless open(OUT,
> ">>$outfile");
> die "can't open $file\n"    unless open(IN,
> "<$file");
> while (<IN>) {
>     chomp;
>     if (/$str/) {
>         print "$_\n";
>         print OUT "$_\n";
>     }
> }
> close(IN);
> close(OUT);
> regards
> Friedel
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:
> Auftrag von
> Avadhani, Subramanya
> Gesendet: Montag, 30. August 2004 13:44
> Betreff: [Perl-unix-users] Searching the entire
> string
> Hi list,
>       I have written a small script in Perl to take input
> filename,
> string to search and outfilename. This script
> currently searches the
> string in a file and writes the same string to the
> outfile(if found)also
> display the same on console. I want to change the
> functionality to work
> something like grep command in Unix. I want the
> entire line which is
> surrounding the string instead of just the sting,
> how do I do it ..?
>       I am pasting the script below, which will search
> for a string
> say Subramanya and prints just the input string from
> a file test.txt
> say. Please also advise on whether I can make it
> more powerful to search
> from multiple files etc.
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> ####### Accept Input file name
> print ("Enter the Input file name : ");
> $file = <STDIN>;
> ####### Accept the expression to search
> print ("Enter String to search :");
> $str = <STDIN>;
> ####### Accept Output file name
> print ("Enter the Output file name : ");
> $outfile = <STDIN>;
> chomp ($outfile);
> chomp ($str);
> chomp ($file);
> #### File open operation fails if file doesn't exist
> (Exception)
>  unless (open(MYFILE, $file))
>       {
>       die("Cannot Open Input file\n");
>       }
>    $line = <MYFILE>;
>           while ($line ne "")
>              {
>                   while ($line =~ /$str/g)
>                    {
>                    $match = $&;
>                    print ("$match\n");
>                    open (outfile,">>$outfile");
>                    print outfile ("$match\n");
>                  }
>                   $line = <MYFILE>;
>              }
> close (MYFILE);
> close (outfile);
> ####### Please remove the outfile after use. As this
> would eatup disk
> space. ###########
> Test file ##########################
> Hi I am Subramanya
> I live in juigj
> iorth
> ojr
> ;[k
> hl
> Subramanya
> iqerioj
> 1234Subramanya
> Subramanya Avadhani
> iijriogj
> ioj
> [pjtr
> hk
> Avadhani Subramanya
> iojioqer
> \opjth
> Subramanya
> I am Subramanya
> I am here Subramanya
>  ############################
> Here I want the entire line and not just the string
> entered by user,
> till EOL(say Subramanya).
> Thanks,
> Subbu
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