
I've inherited some old code, and after moving it to a
perl 5.8.5 environment from a perl 5.6.1 environment,
I'm getting the following compilation error "Can't
multiply inherit %FIELDS".

Googling hasn't really helped me out much, I can't see
any fields being declared twice in the inheritance
tree. The only thing I have found is that the code
which fails to compile inherits from 2 classes. Both
of those 2 classes inherit from the same common class.

package A;
use base qw (C1 C2);

package C1;
use base qw (X);

package C2;
use base qw (X);

I found that if I commented out the use base line in
either C1 or C2 then A compiles ok. 

I did another test, I added X to A's Base:-

package A;
use base qw (C1 C2 X);
Expecting this to also fail to compile, but it doesn't
it works.... Even though C1 or C2 still uses X as a

So, Its 2am and I'm a little confused,

Does anybody have any ideas?



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