Good Morning,

I'm having a total brain dead morning and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong when it comes to creating a session to an SMTP server with IO::Socket. The mail system asks me to end DATA portion with a "." on a single line. When I telnet in, I'm able to end the session with a single dot on a line by itself. But when I run the script I built below, I have a problem doing so. Here is the output:

localaddr =
220 testlab ESMTP CommuniGate Pro 4.2.1 is glad to see you!
250 testlab we trust you ganymede
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sender accepted
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] will leave the Internet
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself

Can anyone see anything that I'm blatantly doing wrong?

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use IO::Socket;

# Turn on autoflush to get around holding data too long to fill a buffer.
$| = 1;

# Some configuration options
my %cfg;
$cfg{PeerAddr} = ""; # Destination to test
$cfg{PeerPort} = "25"; # Port
$cfg{Proto} = "tcp"; # Protocol
$cfg{LocalAddr} = ""; # Default IP Address - this breaks by default
$cfg{Timeout} = "5"; # Socket Timeout
$cfg{LOGFILE} = "/tmp/mail.log"; # Mail log / debug log
$cfg{IPFILE} = "/tmp/ip.db"; # IP Database of local ip's
$cfg{DEBUG} = 15; # Debug Level


sub initialize { logger(5, "Intializing $0"); my $val; my $msg; my $ip; ($val,$ip) = calc_source_ip(); if ($val) { logger(15, "calc_source_ip() returned val=$val, msg=$msg"); } ($val,$msg) = init_socket($ip); if (!$val) { exit; }

# Figure out what source IP address to send as. This file will be full of them for testing purposes.
sub calc_source_ip {
my $msg;
my $val;
open (IPDB, "$cfg{IPFILE}") || ($val = 1);
while (<IPDB>) {
if ( /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ ) {
$msg = $1;
print "MESSAGE: $msg\n";
close (IPDB);
# Build the socket, talk to the SMTP Server. Will move this into two subroutines.
sub init_socket {
my $localaddr = shift;
print "localaddr = $localaddr";
my $msg;
my $val;
my $subject;
my $rdata;
my $tdata;
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $cfg{PeerAddr},
PeerPort => $cfg{PeerPort},
Proto => $cfg{Proto},
LocalAddr => $localaddr,
or return(1,$@);

        print "\n";

$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "helo ganymede\n";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "rcpt to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "data\n";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "Subject: This is a test message\n";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "Hello from ganymede. This is to test the spam engine\n";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
# this should be the "." on the single line, but what the heck?
print $socket "\r\n.\r\n";
print $socket "\r\n.\r\n";
$rdata = <$socket>;
print $rdata;
print $socket "quit\n";
$rdata =<$socket>;
print $rdata;
return 0;
# logging subroutine
sub logger {
my $dval = shift;
my $log = shift;
if ($cfg{DEBUG} >= $dval) {
$log =~ s/\n//g;
open(FOUT, ">>$cfg{LOGFILE}");
print FOUT (scalar(localtime()) . ": $log\n");

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