Perhaps others might know better but to the best of my knowledge the fork command doesn't work that way.  The child and parent are two completely separate processes that don't share any resources.  What you are looking for is something more like threads where each thread can access shared resources.  I'm not sure if Perl handles threading.
However, I did something similar to what you are trying to do but I had to do it using file handles.  Here is a snippet of how I handled this.
    #### Parent 
     if ($put_pid = open(PUT, "-|")) {
        do {
            $term = waitpid($put_pid,&WNOHANG);
            chomp ($tmp = <PUT>);
             print "$tmp \n"  if (defined $tmp && $tmp ne '')  
        } while ($term <= 0);
        close PUT;
    #### Child 
    } elsif (defined $put_pid) {
        STDOUT->autoflush(1);  # must have this or you won't  get anything until the child terminates
        foreach (1..12) { 
            print " $_\n";  # must have \n at the end of each print you want to go though.  This is what autoflush keys on. 
            sleep 1;
        exit 0;

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arijit Das
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:42 AM
Subject: [Perl-unix-users] Sharing Variables among Processes...

Its about sharing a Perl Variable among parent and child processes.
Do you know of any design pattern or technique by which this can be achieved?
What I want is this...
$shared_var = 10;
if ($pid = fork) {
    sleep 10;
    print "$shared_var\n"; # Should show the child's changes...
} elsif (defined $pid) {
    $shared_var = 12;
    exit 0;
I want the change in the shared variable to be reflected to the parent process immediately...basically, same variable in memory should be changed.

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