Title: Counting words
A fairly simple way to do this would be to open the file and step though it tracking the first words like this:
open FH, "the_file.txt";
foreach $line (<FH>) {
    # non-greed pattern match to get the first word on the line
    ($first_word) = $line  =~ /^(\S+?)\s/;
    # increment a hash element for that word
close FH;
# print each element of the hash and how many times it appeared in the file
foreach (sort keys %word_counts) {
    print "$_ $word_counts{$_}\n";

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharp, Craig
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:44 AM
To: perl-unix-users@listserv.ActiveState.com
Subject: [Perl-unix-users] Counting words

I have a file that contains many li˜es.  Here is an example:

evaluate         eaprod              7844       2     15688         0         2
evaluate         agncyis             7347       2     14694         0         1
agncyis          compstr             1117       2         0         0         0
evaluate         highcost            7036       4     28144         0         0
evaluate         adjtrk1             4661       7      9322         0        65
adjtrk1          docinit            14691       7         0         0         0
evaluate         doc-type            7864      71     55048         0        32
evaluate         allselfemp          7788       2     15576         0         4
as-undstat       synctrack           9014       2      9014         0         4
as-undstatdt     synctrack           9014       2         0         0         4
as-evtuser       synctrack           9014       2         0         0         3
trakinit         as-apprlet          1151       1         0         0         7
evaluate         fixdprod            7475      26     52325         0        17
evaluate         balloon             5786      32     11572         0        15
evaluate         arm                 5774      16     11548         0         8
evaluate         pgyprodcd           9374       6     18748         0         0
evaluate         ownr-occ            7762     115     54334         0        71
evaluate         ltv                11526      70     92208         0        60
evaluate         lowscr              9587      45     86283         0        19
lowscr           cond-ck             2499      45     12495         0        19
lowscr           compint             1852      45     16668         0         7
evaluate         units              11556      27     80892         0         9
evaluate         cashout             8603      97     60221         0        76
evaluate         helpayoff           9649       2     19298         0         2
helpayoff        compstr             1117       2         0         0         0
evaluate         purp-ref            8364       2     16728         0         4
opncon           access             10508       5     10508         0         2
opncon           pkxtrkst           45614       1     45614         0        13
pkxtrkst         access             10508       1         0         0         0
pkxtrkst         helpmess            5890      23      5890         0        22
opncon           helpmess            5890       2         0         0         2
opncon           auditrec            8842       1      8842         0         1

I need to loop through and find the first word in each line and count the number of lines that contain this word in the first position.  Example using the above list:

Evaluate 17
Agncyis 1
Opncon 4

I need to do this for each unique word in the first positon.

Best regards,

Craig Sharp

Quicken Loans | Unix Engineer | Direct: 734.805.7839 | Fax: 734.805.5513 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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