
I've been using a perl script for a while now on  for a button which when clicked opens up another site (through a _javascript_ function embedded in the perl). Its been working fine, but recently I opened the site in windows and tried hitting the button. It didnt work. It doesnt open up the other site.

Any idea why it seems to work only in Linux and not in windows ?

The code snippet is as below:

print "<input type = button value = 'Input file format' >";

print "<script>";

print "function inputformat(){";
    #print "alert('going to see input format');";
    print "var url = '';";
    print "newwindow=window.open(url, 'input format','height=600, width=700');";
    print "if(window.focus){";
    print "newwindow.focus()";
    print "}";

print "}";

any help would be great.


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