I am making a PDF , which using PDF::Table I am making a table inside
that PDF.


What I am trying to do is make the table dynamic, cause I am passing
variables and I do not want a blank table row if the variable is empty.
This is what I have tried so far:


my $some_data =[

    ["HP Hardware", "Total Cost"],

    [$hardware1, $hardwareValue1],

            [$hardware2, $hardwareValue2],

            [$hardware3, $hardwareValue3],

            [$hardware4, $hardwareValue4],

            [$hardware5, $hardwareValue5],

            [$hardware6, $hardwareValue6],

            [$hardware7, $hardwareValue7],

            [$hardware8, $hardwareValue8],

            [$hardware9, $hardwareValue9],

            [$hardware10, $hardwareValue10],

            [$hardware11, $hardwareValue11],

            [$hardware12, $hardwareValue12],

            [$hardware13, $hardwareValue13],

            [$hardware14, $hardwareValue14],

            [$hardware15, $hardwareValue15],



for (my $i=0; $i< scalar($some_data); $i++) {


            if ($hardware[$i] eq "") {







I am thinking if the variable is blank I want to delete the row from
$some_data, I don't know the syntax to do it,


Any help or suggestions would be helpful, thanks



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