If you want order, you need an array - hashes are unordered.  As you're 
using count as keys, you can sort them (make its a numeric sort) but just 
push your hash on to an array (an "AoH") instead:
   while( my $f = readdir( DIR )) {
            next if( $f eq '.' or $f eq '..' );
            my($template) = ($f =~ /(\d+[A-Z][A-Z]*)[0-9]*/);
            my($tracename) = ($f =~ /\d+([A-Z][A-Z]*[0-9]*)[a-z]/);
            my %trace_info;
            $trace_info{'template_id'} = $template;
            $trace_info{'trace_name'} = $tracename;
            $trace_info{'trace_file'} = $tracefile;
            $trace_info{'trace_format'} = $traceformat;
            $trace_info{'trace_end'} = $tracedirection;
            push @trace_info_hashes, \%trace_info;

Note, you are doing:
       while( my $f = readdir( DIR )) {
            next if( $f eq '.' or $f eq '..' );

which means you'll have holes in your list - the $count for '.' and '..' 
will be empty.  And I gather you're confident that:
          my($template) = ($f =~ /(\d+[A-Z][A-Z]*)[0-9]*/);
          my($tracename) = ($f =~ /\d+([A-Z][A-Z]*[0-9]*)[a-z]/);

always match?  The phrase:


          my($template) = ($f =~ /(\d+[A-Z][A-Z]*)[0-9]*/);

is the same as:
          my($template) = ($f =~ /(\d+[A-Z]+)/);

the '+' will get all the A-Zs and that's what you're capturing.  Testing 
for zero or more digits afterwards isn't going to change anything (unlike 
the 2nd "tracename" match, where you capture those *and* want to stop on a 
lower letter).


Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

End of the beginning
Jan. 19. 1812: Luddites torch Oatlands Mill in Yorkshire, England. 1857
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