Hello Tk and Perl afficianados,

I'm tie-ing a filehandle to a Tk::Text widget
printing some lines and then...

I would like to clean up and close my filehandle. (Silly me trying to keep 
things clean)

Unfortunately by doing the tie I've associated  the Text widget to the 
filehandle  and when I try to close
the filehandle I get the error

"Can't Locate auto/Tk/Text/CLOSE.al in @INC..."

As I write this I wonder if my answer could be as simple as untie-ing the 
Or do I even need to clean up?
Your thoughts are appreciated.

I'm running Perl v5.8.7 for sun4-solaris 

Here is my sample code


#use strict
use Tk;
use FileHandle;

my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $text = $mw->Text(qw/ -width 40 -height 10/)->pack;

my $FH = new FileHandle("> stuff.txt");

tie *$FH, ref $text, $text;

$FH->print(" How ya doin'\n");

$FH->close();           # comment this out to make it work




Gary Trosper
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