Pierce, Glen wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I am hoping someone here can help me.  First I will say I don’t have a 
> lot of experience setting up socket connections.  I am trying to set up 
> a socket connection using IO::Socket.  I want to establish a socket 
> connection and keep it established.  Can this be done?  If so, what is 
> the best way to do it?  Also, is there a way to test to see if there is 
> a socket connection already open on a certain port, other than netstat?  
> Something internal to perl or the module itself is what I was looking 
> for.  Below is the snipet of code I am using.


As far as testing for another socket being open, you shouldn't be able to
make a connection to a pair of sockets if one exists already, so you could
try adding a LocalAddr/Host and LocalPort and you'll get an error back if
that port is in use already to the remote port.

Here's a rough example of a client type socket - the server would do a listen
(add 'Listen => 5, Reuse => 1' to new) and when the socket is ready from the
select, do a $listen->accept (I'd use $listen for the listen socket to keep it
apart from the connection socket - $socket).  A ready on a can_read select on
a listen socket needs to accept and on a regular socket you want to read.

#!perl --

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket;

my $debug = 0;
my $host = 'localhost';
my $port = 8000;
my $protocol = 'tcp';

my $sel_set = new IO::Select();
my $socket;
my $rbuf;
my $wbuf;

while (1) {

        if (not defined $socket) {
                $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
                  PeerPort => $port, Proto => $protocol) or do {
                        warn "new socket $host:$port: $! ($^E)" if $debug;
                        sleep 1;        # try again after waiting a bit

        my @ready = $sel_set->can_read(0);
        foreach (@ready) {

                $rbuf = '';
                my $len = 4096;         # max read
                my $off = 0;

                my $res = read_data ($_, \$rbuf, $len, $off);
                if ($res == -1) {       # error
                        close_socket ();
                } elsif ($res == 0) {   # EOF
                        close_socket ();
                } else {
                        # process data - check length received etc
                        # may need to get more data before processing

        @ready = $sel_set->can_write(0);
        foreach (@ready) {

                $wbuf = 'some data from somewhere';     # unless partial buffer
                                                        # to write still avail
                my $len = length $wbuf;
                my $off = 0;

                my $res = write_data ($_, \$wbuf, $len, $off);
                if ($res == -1) {       # error
                        close_socket ();
                } elsif ($res == 0) {   # EOF
                        close_socket ();
                } else {
                        if ($res != $len) {
                                # part of data written
                                # will need to write again for rest
                        } else {
                                # create some new data
exit;   # never get here

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub close_socket {
undef $socket;          # force a new socket to be created

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub read_data {
        my ($socket, $bufref, $len, $off) = @_;

my $bytes = sysread $socket, $$bufref, $len, $off;
if (not defined $bytes or $bytes < 0) { # read error
        return -1;
} elsif ($bytes == 0) {                 # eof
        return 0;
return $bytes;  # return data length


#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub write_data {
        my ($socket, $bufref, $len, $off) = @_;

my $bytes = syswrite $socket, $$bufref, $len, $off;
if (not defined $bytes or $bytes < 0) { # write error
        return -1;
} elsif ($bytes == 0) {                 # eof
        return 0;
return $bytes;  # return length of data written


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