saeed ansari wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> Thanks man, i tried but my code is giving some problem can any able to 
> give me sample code for this, I will be very thank full to him... thanks.

1) Your description of the problem failed to give enough info to come
up with a solution.  What are you looking for in the file to indicate
a heartbeat failure ?  Are you just checking one user or all of them ?

2) I personally don't want to do your work for you.

3) You didn't post any code that is failing to do what you want and
explain specifically how it is failing.

You need to be more precise with your problem - what constitutes a heartbeat
failure, how many log files, can new log files be started while you process,
one user or many users, is this a one shot deal or do you need to continue
to monitor, etc, etc.

Then attempt to resolve your problem with code.

When your code fails to resolve the problem, post the code and how it fails
to resolve the problem (in detail).
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