Erwin Krause <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new on this list and perl and hope you can help me out with a
> little problem. 
> I have a little problem with a hash / key reference.
> I have two hashes, where 1 hash stores a configuration and the other
> one stores the description for some keys / values of %h1 
> my %config = {
>    'ip' => 'value1',
>    'netm' => 'value2',
>    'bcast' => 'value3',
> }
> my %configdesc = {
>    'ip' => "this is value1 !",
>    'netm' => "this is value1 !",
> }

# This specifies the order in which config is entered.
my @config_ask_order = qw{ip netm bcast};

> than in my code i ask the user for the values I have a key in %h2.
> sub ask_config {

A "local $| = 1;" might help here. See 'perldoc perlvar' for what it

>    foreach (keys %configdesc) {

foreach my $key (@config_ask_order) {

Also, replace $_ by $key in the following. I think it is clearer, and it
makes the explicit assignment "my $key = $_;" redundant.

>        if ($config{$_}) {
>            printf gettext "Please enter %s", $configdesc{$_};
>            print "\n";

Interpolation can replace that printf, and is often simpler, so...

print "Please enter $configdesc{$key}\n"'

>                      # print default value for array and scalars
>            if (ref($config{$_}) eq "ARRAY") {
>                   printf gettext "(default: %s) : ", join(' ',

The interpolation of arrays does much the same thing (by default,
anyway). So ...

print "(default: (@{$config{$key}}) : ";

(What is gettext?)

>            } else {
>                printf gettext "(default: %s) : ", join(' ',
>            $config{$_}); }

print "(default ($config{$key}): ";

>            my $input = <STDIN>; chomp($input);
>            # array handling
>            if (ref($config{$_}) eq "ARRAY") {
>                my $key = $_;
>                if ($input ne '') {
>                    my @tmp = split(/ /, $input);
>                    $config{$key} = @tmp;

That should be "$config{$key} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];" or "$config{$key} = [EMAIL 

>                }
>            } else {
>                $config{$_} = $input if ($input ne '');
>            }
>        }
>    }
> }
> So now my problem is, that i have to ask the user in a specific order.
> (ip before netmask, a.s.o.)
> I thought i simply can change things like that: (i tested both ways,
> 1_ip and 2_netm) 
> my %config = {
>    'ip' => 'value1',
>    'netm' => 'value2',
>    'bcast' => 'value3',
>    '1_ip' => \$config{'ip'},
>    '2_netm' => sub { return $config{'ip'} }
>    '2_netm' => \&get_hostname,
> }
> my %configdesc = {
>    '1_ip' => "this is value1 !",
>    '2_netm' => "this is value1 !",
> }
> with:
> sub get_hostname {
>    return ${$config{'hostname'}};
> }

I find it hard to see how that helps with what you are trying to do.

> both require to disable subs or refs in strict what is not the best
> way, i know. 
> Some1 have an idea to fix this problem or maybe do the whole thing
> some better? 
> I dont wanna rewrite my whole code to change the config{ip} to
> config{1_ip}. 

For an alternative, investigate Tie::IxHash


Brian Raven 

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