<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have to analize a text document and want to get all lines like:
>> F<a string>F<another string>F<another string>F<                     
>> # 
> (where F is a floating point number between the two characters >< )
> but only, if all four floating numbers are identical!
> Example for a text:
> text>text<text
>> 5.3<abc>5.3<d>5.3<ef>5.3<
>> 4.2<abc>3.0<d>4.2<ef>4.2<
> Here, only the second line is needed.
> Some ideas?

Well, the following operates successfully on what you have specified:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $re = qr{(>[\d.]+<)          # match first occurrance
            ([^<>]+\1)+         # match subsequent occurrances

while (<DATA>) {
    if (/^$re$/) {
        print "Match:    '$_'\n";
    else {
        print "No match: '$_'\n";



Brian Raven 

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