Since I see that his Excellency Dave Roth reads this mailing list I'll throw
this out there for him or anybody who knows.  I'm using Win32::Perms with
great effect on a network audit.  However some of them are failing that
"shouldn't".  I use Lanman to get the share list on a host then use Perms to
get the permissions on each shared directory (not the share point).
Creating the perms object usually succeeds unless it's blocked by an Access
Denied.  unless ( $cperm = new Win32::Perms($unc) ) {.....}  $unc is like
\\\bob\  The problem comes when I call Dump on it, $cperm->Dump(
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ).  Sometimes this will fail which means either there are no
permissions at all or we don't have permission to get the permissions.  Now
if I take one of these failures are go to the UNC in Windows Explorer, I
*can* see the permissions, with the same logon as the script, except that
explorer admonishes "You only have permission to view ...".  Then when I
drill into the permissions it shows that Everyone has the "Read Permissions"
flag.  So why does Win32::Perms die on this when Explorer works?  My guess
is that Perms is trying to open the object as read/write when we only have
"read".  Dave?

As an aside, is there another way to grab the permissions?  I'm thinking WMI
or OLE.

" cede males"


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