That is a good idea.  Will have to try that.

I usually use WMI.  A long as this is run by an admin, there are no
issues.  This is from one of Dave Roth's books with a couple of
modifications.  Tells you what you need to know.  Just pass the name of
the process (Exactly how it shows up in Taskman).

use Win32::OLE qw( in );
   use Win32::OLE::Variant;

   my $Machine = Win32::NodeName();  #hostname;
   my $CLASS =

   #/*** Get the WMI (Microsoft's implementation of WBEM) interface
   $WMI = Win32::OLE->GetObject( $CLASS ) || die "Unable to connect to
\\$Machine:" . Win32::OLE->LastError();

   #/*** Get the collection of Win32_Process objects
   $ProcList = $WMI->InstancesOf( "Win32_Process" );

   foreach $Pid ( @_ )
      my $ProcList = &GetProc( $Pid, $ProcList );
      if( scalar @$ProcList )
         foreach my $Proc ( @$ProcList )
        $strUser = Variant( VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, "" );
        $strDomain = Variant( VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, "" );
        $strSID = Variant( VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR, "" );
            if ( $Proc->GetOwner( $strUser, $strDomain ) == 0 )  
               if ( $Proc->GetOwnerSid( $strSID ) == 0 ) 
                  if ( $EnvUser eq $strUser )
                        #/*** If the program ends up here, then the App
is running ***/#                
                $ProcName = $Proc->{Name};
                $ProcPID = $Proc->{ProcessID}; 
   if ( $Counter >= 1 )
      $retval = "1";     #/*** This means that what ever the search was,
it IS here ***/#

      $retval = "0";    #/*** This means that what ever the search was,
it isn't here ***/#

sub GetProc
  my( $Pid, $ProcList ) = @_;
  if( $Pid =~ /^\d+$/ )
      $List = &GetProcByPid( $Pid, $ProcList );
      $List = &GetProcByName( $Pid, $ProcList );
  return( $List );

sub GetProcByPid
  my( $Pid, $ProcList ) = @_;
  # Cycle through each Win32_Process object 
  # until you find the right one
  foreach my $Proc ( in( $ProcList ) )
    return( [ $Proc ] ) if( $Pid == $Proc->{ProcessID} );
  return( [] );

sub GetProcByName
  my( $Name, $ProcList ) = @_;
  my( @Procs );
  my( $Regex ) = ( $Name =~ m#[$^\\/*?{}\[\]]+# );
  # Cycle through each Win32_Process object 
  # until you find the right one
  foreach my $Proc ( in( $ProcList ) )
    if( $Regex )
      push( @Procs, $Proc ) if( $Proc->{Name} =~ /$Name/i );
       push( @Procs, $Proc ) if( lc $Name eq lc $Proc->{Name} );
  return( [EMAIL PROTECTED] );

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Bremer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 10:15 AM
To: Steven Satelle;
Subject: RE: Win32::Process::Info


This is how I do it by window-title to insure that only one instance of
a given program can run at a time. It might be adaptable for your

    # Check for another instance of this program.
    use Win32::GUI;
    my $Desktop = GUI::GetDesktopWindow();
    my $Window  = GUI::GetWindow($Desktop, GW_CHILD);
    my $Nbr     = 0;

    while ($Window)
        my $Title  = GUI::Text($Window);
        if (length($Title) > 1 and $Title !~ /command prompt/i) {$Nbr++
if ($Title =~ /^archivepdf/i)}
        $Window = GUI::GetWindow($Window, GW_HWNDNEXT);

    if ($Nbr > 1)
        print(STDERR "Another instance of this program exists, exiting
        print(STDERR "Ending $0\n");

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Steven Satelle
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 09:42
Subject: Win32::Process::Info

I'm trying to find the process id of a process on a win32 system (NT or
I want to kill it, but all I have is the name - ActiveForms.

I've been messing about with Win32::Process::Info but while I can get
the process list, I cant get the process name or any info from it. Can
anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?

Heres a sample of the code:

use WIn32::Process::Info;

$processes = Win32::Process::Info->new();

@pids = $processes->ListPids();

foreach $pid (@pids)
        @info = $processes->GetProcInfo($pid);
        print @info{'CreationDate'}, "\n";
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