John Serink wrote:
> Hi All:
> lets talk about some of the most poorly documented stuff with respect to
> Perl's socket functionality, be it the IO::Socket or just plain socket.
> Check this snippet out:


> I get this when I run this:
> F:\perl\practice\VRS>perl
> tcpnodelay with getsockopt is 0
> tcpnodelay is 0
> Successfully changed Nagel
> tcpnodelay with getsockopt is 1
> tcpnodelay is 0
> So, when I change the TCP_NODELAY flag using the Perl function
> setsockopt, it reports its changed using getsockopt but not using the OO
> interface.
> Where's the beef?
> Did it change or not? Shouldn't both queries of TCP_NODELAY return the
> same or is something being chached somewhere? If I change with the OO
> method, only the OO method query says its changed, if I change with the
> perlfunc then only the perlfunc query says it has been changed, the OO
> says its still zero.
> Any ideas?

Don't mix the calls maybe ?

I don't know if there is any advertised compatability between the two.
They should work fine if you just use one or the other - try this :

use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket qw(:all);
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;

my $sock;
my $tcpnodelay;

print "\nUsing built-in method\n";

my $proto = getprotobyname ('tcp');
socket ($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "Socket: $! ($^E)";
$tcpnodelay = getsockopt ($sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY);
$tcpnodelay = unpack 'I', $tcpnodelay;
print "Before: tcpnodelay=$tcpnodelay\n";
setsockopt $sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1 or die "setsockopt: $! ($^E)";
$tcpnodelay = getsockopt ($sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY);
$tcpnodelay = unpack 'I', $tcpnodelay;
print "After: tcpnodelay=$tcpnodelay\n";

print "\nUsing OO method\n";

$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto =>'tcp') or
  die "new IO::Socket::INET: $! ($^E)";
$tcpnodelay = $sock->sockopt(TCP_NODELAY);
print "Before: tcpnodelay=$tcpnodelay\n";
$sock->sockopt(TCP_NODELAY, 1) or die "\$sock->sockopt NODELAY, 1: $! ($^E)";
$tcpnodelay = $sock->sockopt(TCP_NODELAY);
print "After: tcpnodelay=$tcpnodelay\n";
print "\n";


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