
I have figured out that the DSN has to be something like

dbi:ADO:Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=SQL-Server

but now the following error occures:

no trusted SQL Server-connection for user '...'

I thought that Windows-authentication means that I don't need to give a
certain user and password. The connection should be made with the
Windows-user I am logged in. So why is this user not able to make a trusted

How can I configure such trusted connections?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <perl-win32-admin@listserv.ActiveState.com>;
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 2:31 AM
Subject: connection to MS-SQL via ADO

> Hi all,
> I have written some perl scripts which were converted to *.exe files with
> perlApp.
> The scripts (running as cgi-scripts) were written to connect to a MySQL
> database and it worked fine. Now I have to connect to a MS-SQL database.
> only thing I have changed was the DSN from dbi:mysql:dbm to dbi:ADO:dbm
> (where dbm is the name of the database). And now I read the following
> message.
> ######################
> Software error
> DBI connect ('dbm', 'username', ...) failed: Can't open connetion 'dbm'
>     Package    :    DBD::ADO::dr
>     Filename    :    /PerlApp/DBD/ADO.pm
>     Line            :    158
>     Last error    :    -2147467259
> OLE exception from "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers":
> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The datasourcename was not found and it
> no standarddriver given.
> Win32::OLE(0.1701) error 0x80004005: "unknown error"
>     in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Open" at login.pl line 92
> #######################
> What does it tell me?
> What went wrong?
> What do I have to do?
> Is this a problem of configuring the MS-SQL Server or of my script?
> Please give me detailed answers.
> Any hints are welcome.
> Thanks
> Sven

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