Hello subscribers :),


i`m facing really strange issue with this function. I`ve already spent 2 days googling for help, but I was not able to resolve it. Maybe i was looking for wrong string :-).


I have a basic script to logon:

#c:/bin/perl -w

use Win32::AdminMisc;




$do = Win32::AdminMisc::LogonAsUser($domain,$user,$pass,LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVELY);

print $do;


Problem is that $do value is 0 when script ends. I do debugg this script and saw that bytes subroutine import seem not to be loaded in bytes_heavy.pl and script broke when he reach this point. I`m using latest activestate perl build 815. I`d be more than happy if you could give me any hint how to resolve it.

Thank you in advance for your reply,

Best Regards,


http://www.morfeo.sk/ - Morfeo.sk - Špecialista na vyhľadávanie na Slovensku!

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