> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Paul Jansen
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:42 AM
> Subject: net ldap, paging of large values from AD - problems
> Hello.
> I'm having some trouble dealing with ranges or pages being 
> returned when I do a query.
> I'm querying the homeMDBBL attribute which lists the 
> mailboxes in an Exchnage mail store.
> When I view the entry using the Microsoft LDAP browser
> (ldp.exe) it shows only a small amount of detail and says tha 
> tthe range returned is 0-1499. Apparently Windows 2003 AD has 
> a page size of 1500.

I was always under the impression that the maximum page size was 1000.
drop your page size down to 200 and see what happens -- the page size is
just how many records you return at a time -- smaller sets of data
return quicker and leave less memory open handling the requests.
Win32::Exchange has a properly formed (and paged search -- that could be
used as a sample) if you want to go back to the OLE methods.  I have no
familiarity with the Net::LDAP functions, sorry.  HTH

However, if you are looking for homeMDBBL, your filter should really be:

  filter => "(homeMDBBL=*)",

Since that will enumerate all the objects that have this property set.
As well, since your filter is objectClass=*, you are enumerating objects
that may or may not have this attribute set -- so, in a sense, your
filter is too lax and actually     including results that it need not
look at.

To find all the objects that have (both -- and only ones that have a
class of Exchange Database) these attributes set you could use
(&(objectClass=msExchMDB)(homeMDBBL=*)) <-- here's a hint

However, I still only see 2 objects that have this prop set..  But then
I am using E2K... And not E2K3

But lastly, if you look at this URL, I think I know what this property
is used for now..  You have all the mailenabled paths in one property on
the mailbox store (or public folder)..


Never mind that the author has invalid code on the HTML part of this
blog (probably a pasting error into the blog?)...  It's the zip file of
the code that you want to look at.  Which explains what I wrote
earlier..  homeMDBBL doesn't look to be a property on the mailboxes, but
a property on the individual Exchange store objects (mailbox and public)
that has a list of the mail-enabled recipients on each store.

However, if you are still trying to look at all the mailboxes on a given
store, there are much simpler ways of doing so (and if you want to look
at multiple servers/stores there are even easier ways).

Feel free to mail me offline for clarification as this is more of an
Exchange question than a perl question.

Again, I hope this helps.


> Anyway, I'm struggling to deal with this value properly.  
> Here is the code I have put together from looing at various 
> srouces but it doesn't work.  It seems to fail to  get a 
> cookie and drops out when doing the lookup.
> If you have an exchnage environment it is a simple case of 
> altering the first four variables in the script below and 
> then running the script.  You can browse with an LDAP browser 
> - such as ldp.exe -to determine what the values should be for 
> your environment.
> Any suggestions?
> * * * * *
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use Net::LDAP;
> use Net::LDAP::Control::Paged;
> use Net::LDAP::Constant qw( LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED ); 
> $dc1 = "server01.mydomain.local";
> $user="cn=testuser,cn=Users,dc=mydomain,dc=local";
> $passwd="password";
> $ldap_query_string = "CN=SG1MDB2
> (SERVER12),CN=SG1,CN=InformationStore,CN=SERVER12,CN=Servers,C
> N=SITE006,CN=Administrative
> Groups,CN=MAILORG,CN=Microsoft
> Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=local";
> $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($dc1);
> $mesg = $ldap->bind ( dn => $user,
>                      password =>$passwd,
>                    version  => '3',
>                   );
> if ( $mesg->code()) {
>     die ("error:", $mesg->code(),"\n","error name:
> ",$mesg->error_name(),
>         "\n", "error text:
> ",$mesg->error_text(),"\n");
> }
> my @mailbox_return_array =
> get_specific_value_via_ldap("homeMDBBL",
> $ldap_query_string);
> foreach my $mailbox (@mailbox_return_array) {
>       print " mailbox is $mailbox -\n";
> }
> $ldap->unbind(); 
> sub get_specific_value_via_ldap {
>       my ($object_name, $ldap_query_string) = @_;
>       my @ldap_object_value;
>       my $page = Net::LDAP::Control::Paged->new( size => 1490 );
>       @args = (
>               base     => $ldap_query_string,
>               scope    => "sub",
>               filter => "(objectClass=*)",
>               control  => [ $page ],
>               attrs => $object_name,
>               debug => 1
>               ); 
>       my $cookie;
>               while(1) {
>               print " performing search...\n";
> #              Perform search
>                 my $mesg = $ldap->search( @args );
>                 # Only continue on LDAP_SUCCESS
>                 if ($mesg->code) {
>                         warn "ERROR - not LDAP_SUCCESS";
>                               last;
>                       }
>                 # Get cookie from paged control
>                 my($resp) = $mesg->control( 
>                 $cookie = $resp->cookie or last;
>               print "cookie is $cookie -\n";
>                 # Set cookie in paged control
>                 $page->cookie($cookie);
>                 foreach my $entry ($mesg->all_entries) {
>                       @ldap_object_value =
> $entry->get_value($object_name);
>               }
>               }
>         if ($cookie) {
>                 $page->cookie($cookie);
>                 $page->size(0);
>                 $ldap->search( @args );
>         } 
>       return @ldap_object_value;
> }
> * * * *
> If I replace the subroutine with this one below it still 
> doesn't work on a mail store that has more than 1500 entries 
> but if I run it on a mail store that has less I get all the 
> mail boxes back.
> * * * *
> sub get_specific_value_via_ldap {
>       my ($object_name, $ldap_query_string) = @_;
>       my @ldap_object_value;
>       my $page = Net::LDAP::Control::Paged->new( size => 1490 );
>       @args = (
>               base     => $ldap_query_string,
>               scope    => "sub",
>               filter => "(objectClass=*)",
>               control  => [ $page ],
>               attrs => $object_name,
>               debug => 1
>               ); 
>       my $mesg = $ldap->search( @args );
>       foreach my $entry ( $mesg->entries ) {
>               @ldap_object_value =
> $entry->get_value($object_name);
> #             print " ldap_object_value is $ldap_object_value[0]
> -\n";
>       }
>       return @ldap_object_value;
> }
> * * * *
> Thanks,
> PJ
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