Many thanks. That did the trick and I'm back in business. Looks like it's:
Out with Perms, In with FileSecurity.
Best Regards,


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Jeremy Fluhmann
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: How Add Directory Permissions


You might take a look at Win32::FileSecurity
).  I used it when I was automating web account creations on IIS servers.
Sample, adapted from your example (looks like 'FTP Users' is the user
account, correct?): 

use Win32::FileSecurity qw(MakeMask Get Set);
my %hash;
my $directory = 'c:/temp/test';
my $user_account = 'FTP Users'; 

# Mask for READ access
# shows up as 'Read & Execute', 'List Folder Contents', and 'Read'    
my $permissions = MakeMask( qw( READ GENERIC_READ GENERIC_EXECUTE ) );

Get( $directory, \%hash ) ;             # get existing permissions 
$hash{$user_account} = $permissions;    # set user permissions
Set( $directory, \%hash ) ;             # set permissions for directory

I hope that helps!

Jeremy <> 

On 12/20/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <

Hi, All
I'm back again. I need some help to change directory permissions on Win XP 
using Win32-Perms or anything else that works (desperation here).
Specifically, I am trying to add an ACE for a single user account to an
existing ACL containing other user accounts. Here is the simple code:

use Win32::Perms;
my $DirObj = new Win32::Perms("dir:c:\\temp\\test");
$DirObj -> Add( { Account=>'FTP Users', Mask=>READ, Type=>Allow,
Flag=>0x00000003 } );
my $GLE = Win32->GetLastError; 
$DirObj -> Set();
$DirObj ->Dump;
$DirObj -> Close();

On Win2000 the above produces $GLE=53 (The network path was not found).
On WinXP the above produces $GLE=997 (Overlapped I/O operation is in 
$DirObj appears to be created but the Add() method causes a delay of a few
seconds then the error is thrown.

I curently use WIN32::Perms in a standalone app to set permissions on
several folders. Here is one example. The apparent difference is the dir 
perms are first removed then all are again re-added recursively. This is a
kludge but seems to work. But I don't think I can use this same approach
without rebuilding the perms for the entire directory structure. 

if( my $DirObj = new Win32::Perms( "dir:c:\\sms\\" )){
  $DirObj -> Remove( -1 ); # remove all permissions
  $DirObj -> Add({ Account=>'SAMS
Operators',Mask=>FULL,Type=>ALLOW,Flag=>0x00000003 }); 
  $DirObj -> Add({
Account=>'Administrators',Mask=>FULL,Type=>ALLOW,Flag=>0x00000013 });
  $DirObj -> Add({ Account=>'SYSTEM',Mask=>FULL,Type=>ALLOW,Flag=>0x00000013

  $DirObj -> Add({ Account=>'Users', Mask=>0x001200a9, Type=>ALLOW,
Flag=>0x00000013 });
  $DirObj -> Add({ Account=>'CREATOR OWNER',Mask=>0x001f01ff, Type=>ALLOW, 
Flag=>0x0000001b });
  if( $DirObj -> SetRecurse("")){
        print LOG "Okay\n \n";
        print LOG "FAIL: Cannot set permissions\n";
  $DirObj -> Close(); 
        print LOG "FAIL: Cannot create object\n";

Any help is really appreciated.

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