On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 14:16:27 -0800, Frank Merrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>So we have a fairly complicated test system based largely on Perl.
>A reoccurring issue we face is the user "copying" modules that we've 
>installed into their own directories and then putting that directory 
>BEFORE our system's directory in PERL5LIB.  There are occasionally 
>legitimate reasons for this, but it creates a time bomb that might 
>not go off for a long time.
>It can work for months this way until the upgrade one of the 
>components . . . the *.PM file we install gets updated where we think 
>it lives, but the user's copy is in front of ours in PERL5LIB . . . 
>things break and it takes us hours (sometimes) to track these issues down.
>I was thinking of writing a utility to take apart PERL5LIB, Look for 
>*.PM files in each of those directories and then output a report if a 
>given *.PM file appears in two places in the PERL5LIB paths.  For us 
>on a clean system there typically are any duplicates.
>However, this sounds like something SOMEBODY ELSE must has already needed.
>Anyone out there already have such a tool I can just use instead of develop?

I've attached a script we used to use for a similar purposes.  It relies
on ActiveState::ModInfo from ActivePerl 817 or later.


#!perl -w

# This script will traverse all the modules found via @INC and will
# fail if any modules is present in more than one location.

print "1..1\n";

use strict;
use lib "lib";
use ActiveState::ModInfo qw(list_modules);

my %dup_allowed;
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
    my $v = $ActivePerl::VERSION || Win32::BuildNumber() || 0;
    if ($v >= 800 && $v < 900) {

my %seen;
my $shadow;
my @modules = list_modules(allowdup => 1);
while (@modules) {
    my($mod, $file) = splice(@modules, 0, 2);
    if ($seen{$mod}) {
        $shadow++ unless $dup_allowed{$mod};
        warn "# $mod found at:
#  $seen{$mod}
#  $file

    else {
        $seen{$mod} = $file;

print "# " . keys(%seen) . " modules found\n";

print "not " if $shadow;
print "ok 1\n";

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